Оригинальная вакансия на vakvak.ru
АНГЛО-ТУРЕЦКИЙ, 3 стр.*380 руб., до 24 дек 20:00 МСК.Прошу прилагать образцы перевода (оригинал+перевод) либо англо-турецкого перевода, либо англо-русского и русско-турецкого. Либо выполненный тестовый фрагмент:
«Moreover it’s also based on very solid modern scientific research: read the article ‘Language Acquisition: Do as You Hear’ in Current Biology, 2002 by Professor Hugo Theoret of the University of Montreal and Professor Alvaro Pascual-Leone of Harvard, and the article ‘Auditory Plasticity and Speech Motor Learning’ in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2009 by Professor David Ostry of McGill University and his co-author Sazzad Nasir from Haskins Laboratories, a Yale-affiliated research laboratory.
So, the method we are offering you is actually a fusion of ancient spiritual techniques and cutting-edge, modern science.
Nikolas calls his method ‘Language Tai-chi, or Language Matrix’. It blends the best of both worlds – the world of neurosciences and the world of Tibetan spirituality.
The language matrix is an audio-course recorded in a special wavelike, ‘pulsating’ – meditative – manner by the best voice actors, consisting of engaging dialogues, that will help you start speaking well and begin to understand foreign speech when you hear it.
His book of instructions, entitled 'A Foreign Language Tai-Chi' (Read a review on Amazon.com: XXXXX), is a revolutionary technique for learning languages. It is available by clicking on the button below. »
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